Wimbledon past to present, founded and inhabited by hard working, progressive people, striving to make a better community to live in.
About Wimbledon
Wimbledon past to present, founded and inhabited by hard working, progressive people, striving to make a better community to live in.
Wimbledon means “Stronghold of the Bold Friend.”
John Henry Gibson sold the land for a townsite on October 10, 1892.
The year 1893 brought the Soo Line Depot, a hardware store, livery barn and 2 grain elevators. This was also the year the Post Office changed the name over the door from “Gibson” to Wimbledon.
The next few years were spent growing into a regional trade center and Wimbledon was incorporated into a village in 1899.
Early 1900's
In the early 1900’s large crowds gathered in Wimbledon’s Victory Park for horse racing events.
In 1950 Wimbledon became a city with a mayor and city council government. Known for its rich crop lands, it was once home to 8 grain elevators and was called the “City of Elevators”.